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Posted By Media Hits On 2:35 AM Under
Everyone in my family who is old enough to vote, registers, and takes a privilege in
voting, and knowing that their voice counts. That is why everyone who can vote does
vote in every election. Both of my parents have not missed an election, and don't plan on it.
My family votes neither democratic nor republican, they vote for both. What I mean by that is that they vote for the best candidate who they think will get the job done. So they would be considered non-partisan. They go about picking the candidate based on the qualities of honesty, character, and what the candidate has accomplished in the past.
There wasn't a basic consensus on the issues they thought were most important, but there issues they thought were most important, but there issues all dealt with money.
For example my mom thought that federal and state government needs to be downside and
programs need to be cut. While my brother thought that welfare should be cut. My dad doesn't like his tax dollars wasted, and my sister doesn't like the military cut backs. So basically my family has concerns with money and where it goes. Which may affect who they vote for.
However there was a consensus on what affects there voting habits, and that agent is war. My family felt that war wasn't good, and to end the war they would do anything.
Even if that meant voting out who they voted in. Also if a candidate wanted military cut backs my family would probably not vote for them. That is because my family wants the best military in the world.

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